18 Current vacancies

Any internship or placement you do will help your CV stand out from the crowd. Any experience you get before you graduate will be a key part of your story enabling you to build your knowledge, improve your skills and gain professional experience through paid employment.

18.1 Current vacancies for students of Computer Science

Current vacancies are highlighted here. These are taken from the Wednesday Waggle, shown in figure 18.1. Other places you can look for opportunities are described in chapter 11 in particular section 11.3.

  • For Google Summer of Code, see chapter 19
  • For Bet365, see chapter 20
If you’re a University of Manchester student, the Wednesday Waggle is your weekly roundup of opportunities before and after graduation. The jobs newsletter is delievered to your inbox by email and is also archived at waggle.cs.manchester.ac.uk. What’s with all the bees? Bees symbolise community and work ethic and have been a Manchester icon since the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. Waggle dance artwork by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND 🐝If you’re a University of Manchester student, the Wednesday Waggle is your weekly roundup of opportunities before and after graduation. The jobs newsletter is delievered to your inbox by email and is also archived at waggle.cs.manchester.ac.uk. What’s with all the bees? Bees symbolise community and work ethic and have been a Manchester icon since the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. Waggle dance artwork by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND 🐝If you’re a University of Manchester student, the Wednesday Waggle is your weekly roundup of opportunities before and after graduation. The jobs newsletter is delievered to your inbox by email and is also archived at waggle.cs.manchester.ac.uk. What’s with all the bees? Bees symbolise community and work ethic and have been a Manchester icon since the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. Waggle dance artwork by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND 🐝

Figure 18.1: If you’re a University of Manchester student, the Wednesday Waggle is your weekly roundup of opportunities before and after graduation. The jobs newsletter is delievered to your inbox by email and is also archived at waggle.cs.manchester.ac.uk. What’s with all the bees? Bees symbolise community and work ethic and have been a Manchester icon since the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. Waggle dance artwork by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND 🐝