29 Cristian’s Story

Meet Cristian Bodnar, shown in figure 29.1. Cristian graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2018, this episode was recorded five years later in 2023 on a return visit to Manchester, see section 29.6. As an undergraduate, Cristian did summer internships at Amazon Web Services and Improbable Worlds Limited before doing a PhD at the University of Cambridge and then moving on to Microsoft Research.

Cristian Bodnar linkedin.com/in/crisbodnar. Picture re-used from LinkedIn with permission, thanks Cristian.

Figure 29.1: Cristian Bodnar linkedin.com/in/crisbodnar. Picture re-used from LinkedIn with permission, thanks Cristian.

Listen to the episode by clicking Play ▶️ below, or subscribing wherever you get your podcasts, see section 24.2. An annotated and edited transcript of the audio is shown below.

29.1 What’s Your Story Cristian?

An edited podcast transcript will appear here in due course. In the meantime, an un-edited, raw machine-generated transcript can be found here with highlights from One Tune, One Book, One Podcast and One Film and some show notes below.

29.2 One Tune

For his tune, Cristian chose Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys (see figure 29.2) because he’s learning to play it on guitar.

Do I Wanna Know Know? is a song by English rock band Arctic Monkeys. (A. Turner et al. 2013) Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org adapted using the Wikipedia app apple.co/3LNVzWu 🎸

Figure 29.2: Do I Wanna Know Know? is a song by English rock band Arctic Monkeys. (A. Turner et al. 2013) Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org adapted using the Wikipedia app apple.co/3LNVzWu 🎸

29.3 One Book

For his book, Cristian chose Zero to One shown in figure 29.3

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future is a 2014 book by the American entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel co-written with Blake Masters. It is a distilled version of a set of online notes for the startup course CS183 taught by Thiel at Stanford University in the spring of 2012. Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org 🚀

Figure 29.3: Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future is a 2014 book by the American entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel co-written with Blake Masters. It is a distilled version of a set of online notes for the startup course CS183 taught by Thiel at Stanford University in the spring of 2012. Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org 🚀

29.4 One Podcast

For his podcast, Cristian chose the Joe Walker Podcast. (J. N. Walker 2024)

29.5 One Film

For his film, Cristian chose Gravity see figure 29.4

Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who also co-wrote, co-edited, and produced the film. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as American astronauts who attempt to return to Earth after the destruction of their Space Shuttle in orbit (Cuarón 2013) Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org 🚀

Figure 29.4: Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who also co-wrote, co-edited, and produced the film. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as American astronauts who attempt to return to Earth after the destruction of their Space Shuttle in orbit (Cuarón 2013) Fair use image from commons.wikimedia.org 🚀

29.6 Graph Neural Networks via Sheaves

Cristian was visiting Manchester to give the talk hosted by Magnus Rattray at the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI) at www.idsai.manchester.ac.uk, see figure 29.5. (Bodnar 2023)

Figure 29.5: Cristian’s talk on Graph Neural Networks via Sheaves, you can watch the video in this figure at youtu.be/8XROSBdeQto (Bodnar 2023) 🧠

29.7 Disclaimer

⚠️ Coding Caution ⚠️

Please note these transcripts are generated with speech to text software and are not perfect word-for-word transcriptions. Some speech disfluency has been manually removed and links, cross references and pictures have been manually added for clarification. Extra (non-quoted) words are given in brackets like this: (some text added afterwards).