43 Reading Your Future

According to Harry TrumanReaders are preparing themselves for leadership. Not all readers become leaders, but all leaders must be readers.(Truman 1955) So if you want read your future, there is no need to gaze into any crystal balls to have your fortune told. 🔮

If you want to lead your future you can read all about it right here. The stories contained in these books, journals, websites, magazines will help you to read your future. Reading can be good for your mind, body and soul too because libraries give us power (Bradfield, Moore, and Wire 1996; D. Moore 2019), see figure 43.1.

Libraries give you power, the power to read your future. These references are a digital library you can search and browse at your leisure. GNU Free Documentation Licensed panorama of the British Museum Reading Room by David Iliff on Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3BEs

Figure 43.1: Libraries give you power, the power to read your future. These references are a digital library you can search and browse at your leisure. GNU Free Documentation Licensed panorama of the British Museum Reading Room by David Iliff on Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3BEs

Your future is bright, your future needs reading, so let’s start reading your future.

43.1 Leaders are readers

This chapter lists everything (and I mean everything) cited in this book which you might find overwhelming. For more easily digestible versions see the shorter “signposts” section of any chapter in this book. Critical thinking and critical reading are valuable skills for all students, not just for reading scientific papers either. So as Bill Gates puts it “read a lot” (see figure 43.2) but read critically and actively too. (G. Brown 2022; G. Byte 2023)

“I was recently asked what advice I would give to young people who want to make a positive impact on the world … My advice is simple: Read a lot and discover a skill you enjoy. For some, that means being great at science or a great communicator. There’s so much opportunity to do good in the world.” —Bill Gates (Gates 2022) CC BY portrait of Bill Gates by Kuhlmann / MSC on Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3W7k adapted using the Wikipedia App

Figure 43.2: “I was recently asked what advice I would give to young people who want to make a positive impact on the world … My advice is simple: Read a lot and discover a skill you enjoy. For some, that means being great at science or a great communicator. There’s so much opportunity to do good in the world.” —Bill Gates (Gates 2022) CC BY portrait of Bill Gates by Kuhlmann / MSC on Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3W7k adapted using the Wikipedia App

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According to Harry Truman: “readers are preparing themselves for leadership. Not all readers become leaders. But all leaders must be readers.”(Truman 1955) Public domain portrait of Harry S. Truman by the United States National Archives Catalog on Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/6e8P adapted using the Wikipedia App

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